We’re very excited about the future of the radio program. It is my prayer that this site will become a vital companion to the show; especially this blog. We’ll be adding more “stuff” to the site as time progresses including an area for people to send their show topic suggestions, a “Church Stories” section where people can give us their church stories and much, much more.
So for the very first blog I thought I’d give just a brief summary of why this radio show and website exists. My passion is the Body of Christ. God has placed me on a very interesting journey through the church landscape over the past 17 years and if I could summarize what I’ve seen, heard and experienced into one word the word would be “fractured”. As badly divided as Judaism was in Jesus’ day, I believe modern Christianity hasn’t just surpassed the Pharisees and Sadducees, we’ve lapped them several times over. In fact, according to one source there are over 20,000 different Christian denominations. A true accounting may never be possible with all of the church splits and arguments over every conceivable doctrinal, political and practical issue usually ending in a new “denomination” being birthed. After all, just how many different kinds of Baptists does God need anyway?
My passion is to see the division within the Body of Christ come to an end. I believe very, very strongly that God is not happy with what has happened to His Body and is very serious about restoring the Church back to potency and proper relevance in the Earth. Jesus did not build His church on the rocks of division and disintegration. He built His Church on Himself, the one true rock and is final prayer recorded for us in John 17 was one of unity among all believers. I am one among many who want to be used of God to bring that prayer to reality.
The critic will cry “heresy” and accuse people like me of trying to move the church into “ecumenicalism”, that is a uniting of ALL religions. Only a fool would try to unite all the world religions under one banner and certainly that is not what Christ was talking about when he prayed for unity. I’m talking to the true believers in Jesus Christ and calling for us to rally together and get back to the scriptural balance that is described for us in scripture. I’m calling for an end of the warring in our members and a return to us working in “one accord”. This is not “ecumenicalism”, it is not fantasy, it is not impossible; it is scriptural and it is the will of our King (John 17:20-21).
The world is crying out for answers; God’s got them. The world needs to see the Savior of mankind; the church is His manifested Body on earth. If you’re a true believer in Jesus Christ, then you’re a representative of the King of Kings. His kingdom is not divided; neither should His Body be. This is the purpose of ChurchQuake and it is my personal passion. It’s time to whittle the 20,000+ denominations back down to one. The denomination? I don’t know, how about we restore what “Christian” truly means and become true “followers of Jesus Christ”? That’s my mission, it’s my goal and it’s what God is trying to establish in His Church. Hence this radio ministry.
So, welcome, true believers, to ChurchQuake. The time for restoration and reformation is once again upon us. Are you ready for what’s to come?
Comment test.
W00t, the host is HOT!
(you know, cause the A/C wasn't on that day...)
I read the whole thing and it was all very good.I would hate to debate you. All needs to be said and read and I pray you'll have many readers and listeners. Job well done. B. Barrett
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