Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Here I Am To Sing Karaoke..."

"Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near [me] with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:" - Isaiah 29:13

We return to the subject of "worship" this weekend with special musical guest "Canopy". If you've been listening to the program since we began in January of this year you know we've touched on this subject. I've not "blogged" on it but we have discussed the controversy in the Body of Christ concerning musical preferences in our worship services. I'll not rehash old thoughts....ah, what the heck, sure I will.

One Sunday night at my second pastorate I was leading the congregation in a rousing rendition of a very popular old hymn, "Victory In Jesus". Right in the middle of the chorus, one of my more opinionated senior saints walked out of the service. I assumed she had become ill and needed to get home so I waited till the next day to visit with her and make sure she was OK. When she met me at the door I knew I was in trouble.

She laid into me because I had changed the tempo of a section of the chorus. I didn't change the words. I didn't change the melody. I changed the tempo in a very minute section of the chorus. She was incensed that I had made a change to one of her favorite hymns. I, of course, became incensed that this woman who was old enough to be my grandmother was throwing a temper tantrum fit for a 5 year old over something this petty.

There's been a musical civil war in the Body of Christ for generations. As a pastor, I've lost more people over music preferences than anything I've done over the last 20 years of pastoring. Most people are very opinionated; especially about music. I've actually taken phone calls from people who are looking for a church to attend and the first question they ask me isn't about doctrines or ministry opportunities, it's about music. I've lost a ton of people who like the preaching, the ministry and the spirit of the church but can't stay because we play contemporary choruses as well as hymns.

In my opinion, this attitude is childishly ridiculous. If you are basing your church attendance choices on something as shallow and petty as music styles you are completely missing the point of church. As a matter of fact, if you are a person who believes the style of music in a worship service is the most important thing to God then you need to read Isaiah 1. Go ahead, I'll wait for you...

Worship isn't about music or rituals or religious practices. Worship is about the focus of our attention. What are you focused on when you sing your favorite hymns or choruses? I know well intentioned people who do not worship God during "worship service". It is amazing to me how many of us has blown through a music service singing our favorite psalms/hymns/spiritual songs without actually focusing our attention on God at all.

I've often suggested we change the words to some of our hymns and choruses to better reflect the attitude of the majority of church attendees in the name of truthfulness and complete honesty. I've got a few suggestions to get the ball rolling: I Surrender Some; Open My Eyes (Because It's Sunday Morning), Lord; Here I Am To Sing Karaoke"; or It Is Well With My Soul So Long As The Church Leaders Do What I Want And Expend All Efforts To Keep Me Happy While I'm At Church just to name a few.

The musical civil war that's been fought in the name of God in countless churches over the generations is a tragedy when you consider the fact that God doesn't care about musical styles as much as he cares about the attitude of our hearts. God's glory isn't limited to your favorite musical genre. I've seen God glorified in hip-hop/rap music as well as Southern Gospel quartet music. I've also seen God's name sullied by the same genres and everything else in between. It isn't about the tempo, it's about the attitude.

God's not looking for the perfect tune, the right rhythm or the right musical talent level. He's got angels who do nothing but sing to him 24/7; do you think he's impressed with our musical talents and abilities? What God is looking for are "true worshipers" (John 4:23). He's seeking for people who are seeking for him. He wants more Davids who are men and women "after my heart". That phrase isn't talking about people who are most like God; it describes people who are chasing after God with everything they have.

I pray this elephant in the auditoriums gets put down once and for all within my lifetime. I'm sick of seeing churches split over music styles. I weary of seeing local bodies divide between contemporary and traditional worship styles. These petty arguments need to end. We are one body worshiping one Lord. May we learn how to worship together in one voice regardless of what the band is playing.


tkm3 said...

i can't say that I have always been a great fan of gospel rock, although I have sung of the songs an loved them.
i listened to your program Saturday night and suddenly understood more about the new music. I'm 54 so old dogs learn slowly. I was impressed by the group presented on your show, loved their music, but the most important thing was I heard their testimony. I learned of their desire to serve the Lord and the wonderful thing they are doing to reach others in the name of Jesus. Keep on doing what your doing maybe we'll put pink ribbons on the tails of all the elephants in the auditorium and they will worship with the rest of us. Thanks for your program.

Andy S. Wright said...

Thank you so much, TKM3. I love hearing testimonies from people who hear and are positively affected by the show. Appreciate you listening to the program.

Pastor Chris